Click here to access the Google Form sign up!
The Ridgewood Music Boosters have a tremendous opportunity to make money at our fair stand. We have been busy cleaning, organizing, and planning our menu BUT we need YOUR help to run the stand during the fair. We had several students graduate this past year as well as installed new officers and we could really use the extra help this year. We would love to see some new faces in addition to the ones with which we are familiar! Please review the list of dates and shifts and let us know when you could work. We especially need adults! We appreciate all of your help!
Instructions: Please check mark the shift or shifts that you will work. Please note whether it is a student shift or an adult shift. At the bottom of the form, please indicate the name of the volunteer(s) and whether they are students or adults. You can check mark multiple shifts and multiple days on the same form.
There are some jobs that only people over 18 can do, so we really need adults to help. Students, middle and high school age, are encouraged to sign up to work also. We ask that every music student work at least one shift. Please include them on this form, as well as any other family member, Ridgewood alum, or friend who can help. We will call/text you to confirm your shift. Thank you! Please call Tabitha Patterson with any questions (330-204-9125).
***Please note, the schedule below won't automatically update when you enter information on the Google form.
Ms. Evans has to go in an manually enter your shift information. Thank you!***